About Us


Our Story

We are Scot & Tanja – a rope passionated couple, who met in 2007 – coincidently on facebook – not kink related. He had been interested in Japanese Kinbaku for 10 years, she had no clue, that it even existed with a complete vanilla background, but openminded and eager for more, if ever going into a new relationship.

After tying on a home knitted level for a couple of years, we started as students in one of the first structured schools for shibari, where Scot ended up as instructor.

Finding it to much of a karate school and to little fun, we quitted this school after 3 years, and wanted to find our own path in this indispensable universe.

So leaving the dojo, we started to dream about just meeting with others who also just wanted to do fun rope play. Hoping to find 30-40 likeminded fellows.

After 24 hours 100+ people liked our Open FB-page, eager to know more and wanted to learn. We realised, that with a beginners workshop, we would actually be able to finance mats and hooks for a Rope Jam, and we annouced an Intro workshop and a Rope Jam.

Having continously fully booked Rope Jams, we started dreaming about our own venue. It was a tough process with many defeats. As the owners realised that we needed to have permanent hooks in the ceiling, they either cried of laughing or just slammed the phone down.

But in Spring 2015, we got our lucky shoot – with bad humour, and we ended up in our own venue, Kinbaku Lounge.


Interested in getting tuition or  joining our Community? 

Venue Adress

Kinbaku Lounge
Trekronergade 149A, basement
2500 Valby, Copenhagen



CVR-nr: 41952091
MAIL: info@kinbakulounge.dk